17 de abril de 2013

Chic and Elegant Makeup

Maquillaje Chic y Elegante! Tutorial ♥

PS. You're beautiful ! :D

15 de abril de 2013

Sneaker Wedges - a MUST love ♥

I have been these around for a while and Oh, are they amazing!!
They go with everything and anything and give a sort of bohemian chic feel to any outfit you rock these babies with.
Sneaker wedges are my current Fashion Obsession and the one buy I should have made in NYC, and didn't.
Estos han estado alrededor por un rato y Oh, son fantasticos!!
Van absolutamente con cualquier outfit y le dan como un  aire bohemio chic a el atuendo con el que uses estos bebes.
Tennis con plataforma son mi obsesion de moda del momento y la compra que me arrepiento de no haber hecho en NYC.

x, Stay Chic

13 de abril de 2013

New York City ♥

I had never been to NYC before and this month I did, even if only for a few days. It's one of the places I have always wanted to visit and I am so glad I finally did. I had an amazing time going through Times Square and all its surroundings and exploring the city day and night. I fell IN LOVE with the fashion! to the point where I was paying more attention to that than to the colorful ads and tall buildings  (they're just colorful ads and buildings). It was amazing! I loved the stores as well, and spent much of my time dragging my loving boyfriend around from store to store both in Manhattan and SoHO. We also took a little trip to Jersey. I loved the experience, and felt like such a big girl traveling alone for the first time. My favorite place to go to was definitively Central Park, and even though the trees were mostly dead I could only imagine how gorgeous it'd be in the summer. Nevertheless, the most amazing part of it all was -obviously- seeing my boyfriend again :) ♥

Nunca habia estado en NYC y este mes fui, aun si solo por algunos dias. Es uno de los lugares que siempre he deseado visitar y estoy super Feliz por que por fin lo hice. La pase de maravilla explorando Times Square y todos sus alrededores y explorando la vida diurna y nocturna de la ciudad. Me ENAMOREEEE de la moda!!  Me enamore tanto que pasaba mas tiempo fijandome en la moda que en los edificios y en los coloridos anuncios por los que Times Square es famoso. Fue maravilloso! Tambien ame las tiendas y pase la mayoria de mi tiempo arrastrando a mi novio de tienda a tienda tanto en Manhattan como en Jersey y SoHo. Tambien hicimos un pequeño viaje a Jersey. Ame la experiencia :D ♥ Me senti como una niña grande viajando solita por mi primera vez. Mi lugar favorito fue sin lugar a dudas Central Park. Los arboles estaban casi todos muertos, pero me imagine lo bello que se veria todo en el verano. No obstante, la mejor parte del viaje fue -obviamente- ver a mi novio de nuevo :D ♥

MAC Mini Haul ♥♥

 Hello pretty ladies! I got some MAC products on the last couple of weeks and I wanted to share my mini Mac Haul with you gals! 
The first thing I got (and was DYING to own) was the MAC 217 brush! I have seen and heard such amazing things I just HAD to get my hands on it, and I did, TWICE as you can see. I got the first brush (for eyeshadow) In a MAC store in Dominican Republic and the second a couple of days later in New York City. I also got the Select Cover Up Concealer in D.R. (I had to upgrade my concealer before leaving to NYC)

The day before I left, I went into a MAC store, just wanting to buy something and picked a Mac Fix + , pictured below.

While already in NYC I went into a MAC store, and actually behaved very well for a makeup-holic. I picked another 217 brush, and two travel size items I had not packed (Blame me and my late packing). I picked an Oil Makeup Remover and Studio Moisture Cream, two items I really needed due to the cold and the... well, makeup. 
Ps. You're beautiful

An Unfinished Book is like an Unfinished Love Affair.~

25 de marzo de 2013

Belleza Interior - Como sentirse Bonita! ♥~

Para la version en Ingles CLICK AQUI♥

Todas tenemos esos dias en los que nos sentimos Horribles, feas, gordas, etc. Nuestro pelo esta hecho un desastre! nuestra piel se ve horrible y nos creemos las mas ogras y feas del planeta entero!!! 
Bueno, no mas!Todo es sobre la perspectiva desde la cual veas las cosas y hoy compartire un TIP que creo podra ayudarlas a muchas a sentirse mejor y ver lo bellas que son. 


Lo primero que haremos para COMBATIR ese feooo sentimiento  es MIRARNOS AL ESPEJO! 
Si, nuestro enemigo numero uno en los dias en los que nos sentimos horrible sera nuestra arma para armarnos de auto-amor y belleza! 
 Nos paramos frente al espejo, y en vez de enfocarnos en todas esas cosas que hoy encontramos horribles nos enfocamos en nuestros aspectos bellos. TODO EL MUNDO LOS TIENE!Ya sean tus cejas, tus ojos, tu  sonrisa, tus pomulos, tus labios, etcccc Enfocate en ello y admiralo, piensa en lo lindo que es y ya cuando te enfoques en el resto de la cara u otra parte del cuerpo te sentiras completamente diferente!! :D 

Recuerda, la belleza esta en el ojo de quien la mira. Entonces dime, como te miras?