So the winged eyeliner has mostly every girl in the world looking chic and fabulous without much effort nowadays. It's a simple way to get a very chic look and to take your makeup (and whole look) to the next level. Here, my ladies, I will tell you how to complement this winged eyeliner to make the eye stand out even more than it would with just a regular eyeliner.
To compliment the winged eyeliner one must ALWAYS CONTOUR THE CREASE OF THE EYE, Even if it is done with the lightest shade of a brownish color, that will make the crease look deeper and will make the eyeliner pop out. Your whole eye will change simply because of this little detail. In this particular photograph I took a light color and applied it in the internal part of my eyelid, and then took a brown shadow and applied in on the external part, shading the external part of my crease as well. Last, but not least, I applied eyeliner.
El delineador en estos momentos tiene a toda chica en el mundo viendose chic y fabulosa sin mucho esfuerzo. Es un look bien simple, pero que hace una gran diferencia. Aqui, mis preciosuras, les enseñare como complementar el delineador para que sus ojos se vean aun mas bonitos.
Lo primero es que SIEMPRE DE DEBE sombrear el contorno del ojo aunque sea con una sombra super clarita en marron. Esto hara muchisima diferencia en el ojo, ya que el ojo se vera mucho mas bonito y resaltara mucho mas el delineado. En esta foto en particular yo tome un color claro y lo aplique en la parte interna del parpado, aplicando en la parte externa un marron oscuro y difuminandolo hasta el pliege del ojo. Luego, aplique el delineador.
Thanks for reading♥
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